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Friday, April 27, 2012

Some Sweet New Facts About Sugar and Crohn's Disease That Will Surprise You!

Much of what you hear these days about Sugar is that it is public enemy number one, as it relates to our health. The media in our country on a continuous basis likes to beat the drum over and over again about how bad sugar is for us and our children, because it makes us fat, and is unhealthy for us to eat overall. Some so-called experts even suggest sugar should be removed from our diets, recommending that popular restaurants like McDonald's be mandated to replace their milk shakes with apples and carrots. With that being said, just how much do we all know about sugars really, and are these people justified in making such a broad sweeping claim about them?
I found out that there are many different kinds of alternative sugars available for sugar lovers, good sugars that are completely harmless to Crohn's, Colitis and IBS sufferers. Not only are many sugars harmless, but have been found to be actually beneficial for us to consume, containing valuable healing properties in them, vital for our good digestive health! Not only are these sugars harmless for our bodies, but they actually possess healing properties in them as well!
True, the bad sugars, like so-called "table sugar" containing corn syrup, are really bad for all of us, and should be avoided at all costs, especially if you're a Crohn's, Colitis, or IBS sufferer. This is especially true if you take steroids for your condition. If you are taking steroids and have a diet that is high in sugar, you are setting yourself up for serious problems. Corn syrup based sugar is one of the most toxic foods on the digestive lining and pretty much intolerable by all those who suffer with digestive disorders. The most deceiving part of sugar, is that it does not cause pain or bowel obstructions like nuts or a high fiber food do. Consequently, many people don't link sugar consumption to their stomach flare-ups, and as a result, continue to suffer out of not knowing the truth.
So, why is Sugar so bad for Crohn's and like diseases? Sugar totally strips the intestines of its healthy bacteria and replaces it with an overgrowth of bad bacteria, which leads to a condition known as Candida. Sugar consumption also leads to a serious PH imbalance in the body making it harder for us to heal from a recent flare up. The side effects sugar has on the gut, is that it causes gas, bloating, diarrhea, even mouth ulcers (even in those without digestive problems). To make matters worse, Sugar obviously is addictive (just ask millions), and a hard habit to break. It can be especially difficult to wean children and teens with Crohn's off sugar because they are seeing their peers eating it all the time with no similar side effects. In addition to stay away from table sugar, even the imitation sugars, like NutraSweet and sorbital should be avoided as they are proven to upset the digestion of almost everyone, even those without Crohn's. Alcohol behaves like sugar too, when in the body and should be consumed only in moderation, if not at all, depending on the seriousness of your digestive condition.

Why Crash Diets Don't Work and Why Making Lasting Lifestyle Changes Do

When was the last time you heard someone say, "I need to go on a diet" or "I need to lose 20 pounds fast?" Perhaps it's for a big event such as a 20-year high school reunion or to fit into a bridesmaid's dress. Or maybe it's for an upcoming cruise or vacation. You may even hear someone severely obese proclaim that he or she will drop 50 pounds in three months!
The problem with all of these statements? Crash diets aren't healthy or realistic, and nine times out of ten, the weight will just come back on... and then some. That's because when a person diets in an unhealthy way, including drastically reducing calorie intake, he or she is set up for failure, both physiologically and psychologically.
Physiologically, when a person diets, he or she begins consuming less calories than his or her body requires. When a person drastically reduces the amount of calories he or she consumes, the body will lose weight quickly. But, the body has a tremendous ability to adapt. It will soon recognize the lack of adequate nutrients, and will begin conserving energy, rather than burning it. In other words, the body's metabolic function slows. Combined with extreme exercise and this is a recipe for disaster. In fact, in many ways, you're doing more harm than good.
And since extreme caloric restriction can have an impact on the brain, a person may begin to experience difficulty concentrating, moodiness, irritability, and extreme cravings. When the diet is over, guess what the first thing a deprived and hungry person will reach for - FOOD! And lots of it. This type of dieting is unhealthy both psychologically and physiologically. You can also do long term damage to the body.
On the contrary, a diet with a moderate caloric deficit that still contains all essential nutrients, combined with exercise, will help the body burn fat in a healthy way.
Because the diet contains all essential nutrients and is not at an enormous caloric deficit, there's never a sense of panic with the body. With this type of plan, weight loss is gradual but will continue over a long period of time because the body's metabolic functions and hormones are working properly.

What Foods Should I Be Eating For A Healthy Digestive System?

Foods With Fiber
Fiber is one of the most important nutrients we could put into our body. Fiber is needed to break down food in our small and large intestine. Fiber is also needed to alleviate digestive imbalances such as constipation. Fiber helps to keep the inner lining of our digestive tract healthy and clean, which allows it to function better.
Plant foods are a great way to get your daily dose of insoluble fiber. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains all contain a large amount of insoluble fiber that our body needs. Soluble fiber is four in proteins, such as beans.
Both soluble and insoluble fiber is important for digestive function, so getting both of these into your diet is important.
Eat whole grain bread and a fruit each day.
Your body needs fluids in order to clean out your digestive system and also to keep things moving in there. The best fluid you can put into your body is water. Our body is mostly made up of water, so it makes sense that we should be drinking a lot of water each day.
Fluids can also be extracted from fruits and veggies as well. Fiber and fluids go hand in hand, because they both allow keeping your stool soft, so it is easily passable through the rectum and anus.
Eat fresh veggies with your lunch and drink a bottle of water.
Gum Is Great For You
You heard us right; chewing gum is actually beneficial for your digestive system. This is because when you chew gum, you release many different types of digestive enzymes in your saliva. More saliva can help to neutralize the acidity of your stomach, which is very beneficial if you suffer from heart burn or acid reflux.
Carry gum with you always if you suffer from these problems, and you will surely see a difference.
Chew one piece of gum each day. Sugar free is best!
Salad Before Your Meals
It has been proven that eating a small side salad before eating the main course is able to make you eat less. Salad is very healthy for you if you choose the right dressing, so it is smart to fill up on your salad before your meal.
This will cause you to eat less, which could stimulate weight loss and thus help your digestive tract work well.
Eat a small side salad before dinner.
Natural Probiotics
Eating foods containing probiotics are very beneficial for your digestive health. Finding foods that you like, such as yogurt, is a great and easy way to add probiotics to your daily life.
These probiotics help to keep microbial levels at a good balance in the digestive system, which is important if you have digestive imbalances you may be dealing with.
Natural probiotics are healthy and easily can be added to any diet.

A Real Diet That Works

Fad diets are everywhere, and this country is suffering because of it. The very word "diet" is problematic. Have you ever noticed that the first three letters of that word spell DIE! Sure, most diets will not kill you, but many of the fad diets out there won't actually cause you to lose weight and may actually be counterproductive.
You need to break the endless cycle of dieting and instead create a lifestyle around putting healthy things into your body. Such a lifestyle involves the following principles.
1. Instead of just looking at food as a source of pleasure, look at it as a source of fuel and health. Most of us only consider how we feel during the ten minutes or so that we spend actually eating the food. What we usually don't consider is how we feel for the next three hours after eating the food.
Processed sugars taste great and give you a nice little high immediately after eating them, but a half an hour later you crash and just want to lie down. On the other hand whole wheat noodles may not taste amazing while you are eating them, but when you go for a walk an hour later you will be filled up with energy.
2. Eat a balanced amount of "good carbs," "good fats," and "good proteins." Instead of demonizing particular types of nutrients, focus on quality. Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates are not to be avoided at all costs. In fact, eating "good carbs" is crucial to giving your body the energy that it needs to operate. You will not get fat if you eat a healthy amount of whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, if you eat a lot of processed sugars, you will gain weight.
Likewise, not all fats are bad. Mono and polyunsaturated fats are very good for you. Olive oil and peanuts are excellent sources of these "good fats." On the other hand, saturated and trans fats should be avoided as much as possible.
3. Give your body the nutrients that it needs. Two nutrients that most people miss out on are omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Eat fish and use supplements to get your omega-3's. To get an adequate amount of fiber (most women need at least 25 grams per day), you should eat at least five servings of vegetables per day.
4. Eat frequently and keep portion sizes small. Eating three square meals a day may be popular, but it is not good for your weight. Instead of eating three large meals every day, you should eat five to seven small meals. This will make it much easier to keep portion sizes small since you will not be "starving" and load up your plate with food.
5. Things besides what you eat affect your weight. Emotional stress, dehydration and not getting enough sleep all contribute directly and indirectly to gaining weight. You cannot maintain a healthy weight if you do not generally take care of yourself.

3 Tips To Avoid Being Hijacked By A Restaurant's Menu

Restaurants are businesses. Their incomes come from what they sell to you and their main selling tool is their menu -- which is targeted not just at your stomach, but also to your mind. It's the main way a restaurant tries to influence your choice of what to order.
The way a menu is written and laid out can make or break a restaurant. It's in the restaurant's best interest to really pay attention to its menu - a redesign can improve sales by an average of 2 to 10 percent.
Restaurants hope that a magical brew of prices; superlative or descriptive words; and varying fonts, sizes, and colors will play with your brain cells and nudge you toward making the choices they would like you to make.
Tip 1: "Eye magnets" like colored boxes, larger fonts, and icons or symbols are used to help direct your gaze. Bold typefaces grab attention and are designed to steer you to what they want you to order. Well thought out use of eye magnets can increase restaurant sales up to 10 percent.
Tip #2: You'll likely find a restaurant's most profitable items or specials -- the things they want you to order -- on the top right of the front page of a two-page menu or the top half of the page on a single page menu. Because most people don't "read" a menu but rather "scan" it with their eyes, it makes sense to put the items the restaurant wants to sell where your eye goes first.
On a two-page menu people tend to look at the right page first, go back and read the left page, and then go back to the top right to take another look. Attention fades by the time we get to the middle and bottom of the right page. That's where you'll usually find items that aren't marked up or ones the restaurant knows will sell anyway. Items they don't want to feature -- stand-bys like burgers or eggs - usually go below the high profit items or on the back of a three or four page menu.
Tip #3: Prices on the menu are often shown without dollar signs. They're not there because they act as a subconscious reminder that you're about to part with your hard-earned money. Restaurants don't want you to think about money when you order. A study found that customers spend less when prices are listed with dollar signs rather than without them. Even the word or symbol for dollar can trigger "the pain of paying."

Raspberry Ketones Diet Tips

So many people today are going for raspberry ketones diet in an attempt to lose weight. Since the supplement started getting popular as being very effective and with no apparent side effects, many more people determined to shed weight have been in the recent past going for it and so far there have been equally many positive remarks given concerning its incomparable abilities in speeding up weight loss. However to ensure that the supplement works well for you, you have to know how to correctly use the raspberry ketones diet. Therefore if you are planning to give it a shot, the following tips should get you started in the right direction.
What many blogs and internet posts in general may not tell you is that there are quite a number of products on the market today and not all of them might be good for use as a weight loss diet. More companies have now emerged producing raspberry ketones products for money to make the most of the high demand that the supplement currently has. This has greatly lowered the quality of some of the products for some companies are only interested in getting your cash. For these reasons it is important that you be keen to ensure the specific brand you are going for is of high quality for enhanced results. At the moment the 'Raspberry Ketones Diet Pure' is believed to have the highest quality but you can also do your own research about this.
Once you have a given brand in mind, your next step ought to be consulting your physician on whether or not you should continue with your plans of taking the diet. Your doctor will either affirm your decision or not after taking you through several tests to check and confirm you physical health. Bear in mind that raspberry ketones are strong weight loss supplements that cause many body changes for example increased temperature and metabolism among others. Without an intense body check it may arouse underlying diseases, allergies and generally health disorders among some individuals hence the need for you to first ascertain that you are in proper health condition for your body to work well with the diet.
Nevertheless remember that keeping to the recommended dosage is significant in reaping maximum benefits from the raspberry ketones diet. At the moment that should be 200 mg a day and it's advisable that you make it 100 mg in the morning and 100 mg at lunch. There have been cases where this standard dosage has not worked for some people making them opt to increase it. While this may at times be necessary to given individuals the decision should be made after visiting your physician and seeking their advice on the subject. Despite it having no side effects, it is still a supplement thus the need to be cautious in using it to be sure of your safety.
The diet may work quite effectively for weight loss when used alone but you can get the results faster by not relying on it fully for the same. One can start eating a healthy diet feeding on foods with high fiber for example that will add on to the effect of raspberry ketones diet because they both create fullness. Both will then be able to give you the strength to control your cravings and reduce the number of times and amount of food you used to eat in a day, making it easier to cut down.

Developing a Healthy Eating Plan

Following a healthy eating plan is essential in making sure you live a long and healthy life. If you desire to improve on your overall health, a regular healthy diet will reduce the risk of disease, improve mental sharpness, and memory. You may eventually wonder why you haven't made this very important choice before.
Although everyone is aware that what we choose to eat is very important to keep healthy, it is not easy to continue these practices, especially when we have easy access to fast food and quick meals.
Developing a healthy eating lifestyle can easily be done if you adhere to a few useful guidelines, which will result in a happier and healthier you!
Follow healthy eating guidelines
Ensure that your diet is well balanced and that you consume the correct number of servings form the various food groups. You will have the luxury of choosing food you enjoy and at the same time keeping your body healthy and efficient.
Develop a plan to fit your lifestyle
It is essential to have an effective healthy eating plan. It is very easy to become discouraged while trying to change your eating habits. This can easily cause you to regress back to square one due to the difficulties associated with changing your lifestyle.
Recipes made with hands on ingredients that are easy to prepare should be at your disposal. Try and prepare a menu in advance so you can take it to work, eat on the way, or be quickly prepared. In the event your plan is complex or difficult, it may be difficult for you to stick to the plan, especially on those hectic days when time is important.
Educate yourself
Understanding nutritional information and learning to read labels will help you to invent a healthy diet plan. You will profit from choosing, storing and preparing food properly. You may learn to utilize foods you enjoy to make delectable meals that will make eating easy and enjoyable, by doing a little research.
Plan for change
It is more likely for you to gain success if you set realistic goals. Go step by step. By supervising your progress, each accomplishment will make you feel more fulfilled. It may happen that you might give up before even noticing any results if the change is too radical. This makes it extremely important to take a gradual approach so that you don't cause too much of a shock to your system. This is a prime candidate for failure for those of us trying to develop a healthy eating plan.
You may be discouraged if you take on more than you can manage, so make changes steadily and reward yourself as you accomplish your goals.

A Simple Mindset Change to Help You Eat Better

When you think about nutrition, you usually think about making changes to what you eat and drink. This is important, but something perhaps equally important is internal changes. Change can only happen when your thoughts, emotions, and actions are aligned. If you force yourself to eat healthier with the sheer force of willpower, you may be successful for a little while, but eventually your cravings and old habits will be overpowering. To prevent that from happening, and to make your change easier, you must work equally as hard on the "inner game" as you do the "outer game."
A simple change you can make is the way you think about food. There are actually three ways you can think about eating.
Mindset 1: Eating for pleasure (Short term). With this mindset you judge the food based solely on how much pleasure it gives you in the moment. Every show of the Food Network is based off of this idea. Unfortunately, a lot of the best-tasting food is refined sugars that have been literally manufactured to taste pleasurable even though they have been stripped of their nutrients.
There is nothing wrong with eating food that tastes good. In fact, you will be more likely to stick with a diet if you enjoy the way the food tastes. However, when you make pleasure the number one priority when determining what food to eat, you will have a difficult time staying away from the kinds of foods that are bad for you.
Mindset 2: Eating for fuel (medium term). With this mindset, you judge the food that you eat on how good you feel in the hours after you eat it. From this perspective, food that gives your body energy and a clear mind is better than food that makes you feel tired. Refined sugars give you a few minutes of pleasure, but the cost is immediately felt for the next three hours as you crash and just want to lie down. On the other hand, eating an orange may not give you immediate gratification, but for the next few hours you will feel energized and happy.
Mindset 3: Eating for health (long term). There is a lot at stake when you sit down and eat. That is because you are what you eat. Every year your cells replace themselves- in other words, you get a new body every year. Those new cells are the culmination of all the food and drink that you have consumed all year. While diseases have many causes, the foods that you eat are a big contributor.
All three mindsets have their benefits, and you should always take all three into consideration; however, the simple change that I would like you to make is the order in which you consider each one. Mainstream culture tells us to first consider how good something tastes, then to consider two and three. This is the exact opposite of how you should consider each one.
This is the single most important change that you can make in order to eat better. From now on, when you are at the grocery store looking at a food item, consider first its health benefits, then it's ability to fuel you, and only then how good it tastes. It may not sound like a big change, but it could very well be a game changer for you. It will be easier to quickly filter out food that is bad for you and pick out good tasting food that is good for you. You will be well on your way to a good diet that will help you meet your weight loss and fitness goals.

Tips on How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

When you are in a tight budget, preparing healthy meals on a regular basis can be quite challenging. First of all, it can be quite expensive, especially if you're not wise in buying fresh produce. When you're cutting calories, it is not always easy to cut on the costs. But with proper planning and a little bit of creativity, you'll be able to maintain a healthy diet that is budget friendly and good on the tummy. Let me share to you some tips on how you can eat healthy on a budget.
1. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce are much more affordable and healthier than pre-cut and canned ones. Sugar, salt and other preservatives are added to fruits and vegetables that have been canned to improve its taste and prolong its shelf life. Yes, you have to do more prep work if you buy fresh produce, but it can save you money and you'll be able to get more nutrients.
2. Eat less meat. Most people, especially Americans eat more meat than they need which often result in obesity. Meats are delicious but very pricey, and not no to mention loaded with saturated fat. We need to eat protein every day, but we don't need to eat meat everyday. There are other options for protein other than the standard meats you're used to. Protein alternatives such as soy, tofu and seafood are not only healthy, they're much less expensive than regular meat as well. If you must eat meat, don't overdo it.
3. Forgo processed foods. Processed foods may be cheaper but they provide little to no nourishment to our body. These foods give empty calories which still leave us hungry. Besides, processed foods such as junk foods are simply fillers that we can actually do without.
4. Avoid impulse buying. Take time to plan and sort out everything that you need to buy. It's best to plan your meals ahead so you'll know exactly what to buy. When you're in the grocery, just get whatever's on your list and get out.
5. Prepare your own food. Reduce food takeouts and cook your own food instead. Eating out or takeout food can be very expensive and very unhealthy. Cooking your own food gives you more control over your food.
Eating healthy isn't necessarily cheap, but it doesn't also have to burn a hole in your pocket. These are only a few tips on how to eat healthy while keeping it within the budget. Happy healthy eating!

High Priced Juicy Juice, Can It Last?

In the world's current economy, many businesses are closing or scaling back severely, and along with that trend, so are network marketing companies, or MLM's, Is the same thing now happening to the MLM juice market? Consumers are cutting back and economizing anywhere they can, and certainly "designer" types of beverages, as well as other types of expensive food and beverage products, are the first to go on a food budget. Interestingly, there is a growing number of network marketing companies that are still selling nutritional fruit juices or some other type of beverage. They all list the health benefits of their products, backing their claims with testimonials from customers who drink their juice..
Most of these MLMs are marketing the juices of fruits that are being "discovered" in the tropics. The most popular of these fruits is the acai berry and the mangosteen fruit; goji berries, amalaki fruit, wolfberry and the noni fruit are also being touted as "super" fruits. Other beverages are based on seaweed or other ingredients, like glutathione, cactus and aloe vera that act as antioxidants to boost your immune system and diminish inflammation within the body, particularly the joints, heart and brain. They may also increase energy and feelings of well being. Add to that spirulina and ocean coral minerals, and you've got yourself a power-packed drink to start your day or recover from brisk physical exercise, but there is a hefty price tag attached. Most sell from $30 to $40 a bottle for just an ounce of juice daily.
A trip to the grocery store will show you that MLMs are not the only ones selling these super fruits. V-8 has already added acai berry juice to some of their products, Bolthouse Farms has an acai berry and mangosteen juice, Glaceau also offers acai berry juice-based products, to name just a few; pomegranate has come to the forefront, and the list goes on and on. While MLM juices tend to retail at $30 to $40 per 32-ounce bottle. in the retail store the comparable juices sell for around $20 for a month's supply and eliminate the additional cost of shipping. Individual serving bottles run between $2 to $4. Here is just a short list of popular network marketing companies which derive their primary or sole income from super juices:
Tahitian Noni
Evolv Health
Mona Vie
Can the long list of network marketing juices survive the economic downswing? How many people will continue to purchase "miracle" super-juice drinks which they have "auto-shipped" monthly through network marketing companies, and yet every month it seems a new and miraculous fruit is discovered in exotic parts of the world that boasts super nutrition, longer life and and tries to one-up its competitors.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to Blend Healthy Shakes, Smoothies, and Snacks on the Go

A mixer bottle is one of the easiest ways to blend healthy meal replacement shakes, smoothies, and snacks while you are on the road. There are both battery powered versions and battery-free versions to choose from. The battery-free versions offer more flexibility and you don't have to rely on having batteries on hand. They're also more portable and can generally be used as water bottles, and of course they don't break as easily.
Battery-free blender bottles come in two models. One has a plastic mesh in the top of the cup. This breaks up lumps and clumps. The other type has a blenderball inside of it, which is usually a stainless steel ball that will swirl around the cup as you shake the ingredients. This doesn't just blend the ingredients but it breaks up lumps as well, especially lumps caused by protein and supplement powders. The blender bottle models are also good for mixing up other things, like salad dressing, gravy, and pancake mix, making them useful camping accessories as well. You should just be aware that most mixer bottles are not designed to hold hot ingredients: everything should be mixed and used cold.
When you choose a mixer bottle you should pay particular attention to the tightness of the lid. A leaky mixer bottle is no fun at all! It also helps to have handles or grips to help you shake the contents of the bottle as vigorous shaking is part of the process no matter what style of mixer bottle you use.
You should also pay attention to the materials that the bottle uses. If the bottle is plastic, for example, you will want to make sure that it is BPA free so you aren't taking in harmful chemicals with your health drink. It's also a good idea to look for dishwasher-safe mixer bottles so that you aren't spending a lot of time cleaning them, which might make you less inclined to use them. It's sometimes worth having several on hand so you don't hamper your diet or workout routine with dirty dishes
There are other options as well in terms of size, color, and features. There are even mixer bottles that have different compartments so you can carry around different protein powders and pills. Whatever you choose, mixer bottles are wonderful tools for helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle, and they make outstanding gifts for health nuts, campers, and outdoorsmen in your life.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Five Steps in Starting the Habit of Eating Healthy

What is eating healthy all about? To keep it simple it is all about your food selection and how you choose to consume your diet - and most importantly how you discipline yourself to stick with your chosen healthier eating regimen. And this can hopefully help you get your milestone start for better health.
The first step is motivation of oneself. The words mean you have to find the reason within you to fight for healthier eating habits amidst what is currently going on in your life. Do not be distracted and detracted of your chosen goals. Whether it is staying in shape or losing some pounds, you have to re-motivate yourself a little each day for the purpose of your new habit.
The second step is to find the right facts and advice. Okay, this might need you to go to your family doctor or a reputable nutritionist to help you figure out what you have been feeding your body and the possible effects. You need professionals to help you point the right path to your nutrition eating habit.
Third step would be to find the right sources and preparation for your eating healthier. Most groceries now offer organic or local farming produce. These products are fresh and did not travel hundreds of miles which ultimately means they are not exposed to harmful chemicals for preservation or retaining their freshness. Some people have special veggie wash solutions to steer clear of these detrimental chemicals.
The next fourth step is to learn how to be creative in your meals. With the proper and healthy eating solutions defined by the other prior steps, you should be able to make the most of your staple food selections. You can create salads, dishes, or even desserts if you can get creative for your recipes so you would not get bored with the usual meals you have. This can help you in sticking with the right and healthy ingredients.
The fifth step is usually being forgotten but can be of importance - record keeping. Document or record your own little accomplishments - be it excess pounds count or bad calories count that you manage to get rid off being in your eating healthy habit. Also, you can always come back to your regimen records if ever you lose your way in the middle of it all.
So what are your excuses now to not start the eating healthier habit? None as far as starting a good habit has to say. Start now and earn the healthier incentives for yourself.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Main Health Benefits Of Wheatgrass

If you are looking to get more vitamins, minerals and amino acids into your diet, wheatgrass is a good choice. It's a type of grass from the "wheat" family. It actually comes from a plant called an Agropyron plant. Although it comes from the wheat family, it looks surprisingly a lot like your own grass in your front yard. The difference is, it is full of all kinds of nutrients that are great for your body. Just like vegetables, wheatgrass can be juiced and consumed for a number of health benefits. It is said to help lower choelsterol, improve your digestive system, prevent certain cancers and give you more energy. And because the juice is 70% chlorophyll, it will oxygenate your body.
Many juice bars around the county offer wheatgrass shots(small amounts of the juice) or they can add it to juice drinks. It has a strong grassy taste so it is best taken with other juices. A shot of wheatgrass juice may taste better if followed by a glass of orange juice. wheatgrass shots is quite potent so you only need a few ounces to reap the health benefits. For those looking to detoxify or cleanse their system may want to take more than a few ounces of the juice or take it more often throughout the day. You can also buy frozen wheatgrass cubes at some health food stores. You simply defrost and drink them.
Many people choose to juice their own wheatgrass shots. You can buy the wheatgrass at health food stores and then juice it at home. You have to have a special kind of juicer. A blender will not squeeze out the juice from the grass. Talk to someone at the health food store to find out how you can juice the grass at home. You can even grow your own. You simply buy the flats of the grass seeds and you can harvest them at home. They will just need to be kept in sunlight and they require little to no maintenance. The grass will need to grow about 8 inches before it is ready to juice. This takes about a week.
It is recommended to drink the juice on an empty stomach. Some of the benefits you may notice from drinking the juice are more energy, better sleep, decreased cravings, improved eyesight, a stronger immune system and an overall sense of well being.
Our bodies require nutrition to work properly. Without good nutrition, we can suffer from all sorts of ailments and diseases. Drinking wheatgrass juice has the ability to help you live a nutritious, healthy life.